UAF’s Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization (OIPC)

Company/Organization profile

UAF is Alaska’s preeminent research university. The mission of UAF’s Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization (OIPC) is to encourage broad practical application of UAF research for public benefit to support UAF’s research, education, and outreach mission into the future through the following activities: Supporting the education and research mission of UAF by fostering creativity and innovation; Encouraging and assisting individuals associated with UAF in the protection, licensing, and commercialization of their discoveries; Initiating and sustaining cooperation and collaboration between UAF and businesses and industry, especially those based in Alaska; Ensuring the equitable distribution of royalties and other monetary benefits derived from commercial application of intellectual property; Advancing economic development objectives for Alaska and the nation

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subsector Device Diagnostic Digital Drug
user Faculty Graduate Student Postdoc Staff Undergrads University
type Expert / Coach Funding Sources