01 October

WICHE – Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education

Since 1953, the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) has been strengthening higher education, workforce development, and behavioral health throughout the region. As an interstate compact, WICHE partners with states, territories, and postsecondary institutions to share knowledge, create resources, …

01 October

WWAMI Multi-State Medical Education Program

WWAMI is the UW School of Medicine’s one-of-a-kind, multi-state medical education program. The acronym, WWAMI, stands for the states served by the UW School of Medicine: Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho. UW medical students have access to a variety …

06 August

Wyoming COBRE – UW Sensory Biology Center

Established in September, 2017, the SBC is a phase I center of biomedical research excellence program (COBRE) funded by National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of National Institutes of Health (NIH). The primary mission of the SBC is to …

06 August

Wyoming INBRE

Wyoming INBRE funding is intended to enhance biomedical research capacity, expand and strengthen the research capabilities of biomedical faculty, and provide access to biomedical resources for promising undergraduate students throughout the eligible states. The Wyoming INBRE network is composed of …

17 January


This webpage on the Techrockies website provides a list of venture capital firms in the Rocky Mountain region, which includes Idaho, Colorado, Arizona, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

17 January

Wyoming Smart Capital Network

The purpose of the Wyoming Smart Capital Network is to create jobs by helping small businesses access capital. This program was created by a coalition of 17 Wyoming municipalities who joined together to bring this capital resource to their communities. …

17 January

Rocky Mountain Venture Capital Association

The Rocky Mountain Venture Capital Association represents entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and the service providers who support them in the Rocky Mountain Region, which includes Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada and Wyoming.