Providing business guidance, services, and resources to Alaskan entrepreneurs, Alaska SBDC’s mission is to celebrate, grow, and connect small business in Alaska through experienced business coaching and innovative programs. The Alaska SBDC provides assistance to those: – Launching a business …
Since 1953, the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) has been strengthening higher education, workforce development, and behavioral health throughout the region. As an interstate compact, WICHE partners with states, territories, and postsecondary institutions to share knowledge, create resources, …
WWAMI is the UW School of Medicine’s one-of-a-kind, multi-state medical education program. The acronym, WWAMI, stands for the states served by the UW School of Medicine: Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho. UW medical students have access to a variety …
The Center for Alaska Native Health Research was established in 2001 through a five-year grant awarded by the National Institutes of Health through the National Center for Research Resources to the University of Alaska Fairbanks. In 2007 the NIH renewed …
The Alaska INBRE (IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence) program at the University of Alaska (UA) is funded by the National Institutes Health (NIH) National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). The IDeA (Institutional Development Award) program of NIGMS is …
Alaska Startups originated with the startup community itself. A common question was: “Why is there not a single place to find all the resources available in our startup community?” With the contribution and partnership of many of the movers and …
The 49SAF’s mission is to: – Provide an evergreen source of capital to high-growth businesses, promoting entrepreneurship and fostering innovation, and creating jobs and economic benefit for Anchorage – Strengthen Alaska’s risk capital and entrepreneurial ecosystem – Assist early-stage …
Alaska Venture Partners funds opportunities with no geographical restrictions. We provide venture capital / angel investments to smart entrepreneurs with compelling propositions who are open to advice and coaching. Our capital is value added, as our entrepreneurs have access to …
The Alaska Venture Fund invests in projects that protect the integrity of our lands and waters, recognize and restore the power of Alaska Native peoples, expand our jobs and sustainable economic opportunities in renewable resources, and sustain the health and …
DBEDT’s mission continues to be achieving a Hawaii economy that embraces innovation and is globally competitive, dynamic and productive, providing opportunities for all Hawaii’s citizens. Through our attached agencies, we also foster planned community development, create affordable workforce housing units …
PACE: Educating entrepreneurial thinkers and innovative problem-solvers for the 21st century. Founded in 2000 at the Shidler College of Business, the Pacific Asian Center for Entrepreneurship (PACE) is the home for a set of experiential entrepreneurship programs at the University …
Business School: Financial Aspects of New Ventures Entrepreneurial Finance Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Practicum (Directed Reading & Research) Family Business Working with Entrepreneurs and Startups High Growth Entrepreneurship Marketing for New Ventures Entrepreneurial Ventures Corporate Entrepreneurship Engineering School: Entrepreneurial Design …
Courses: Entrepreneurship (Undergrad course), New Venture Development (MBA course), Hacking for Defense (undergrad and Grad)
Embracing the most extreme conditions on earth, Alaskans have always had a flair for innovation and problem-solving. Today the University of Alaska is leading this effort, using technology to tackle global challenges in energy, climate, transportation, and more. The Center …
UAF is Alaska’s preeminent research university. The mission of UAF’s Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization (OIPC) is to encourage broad practical application of UAF research for public benefit to support UAF’s research, education, and outreach mission into the future …
Alaska Growth Capital (AGC) is an innovative alternative lending company based in Anchorage, Alaska, and doing business throughout the northwestern United States. AGC was founded in 1997 as Alaska’s first Business and Industrial Development Corporation (BIDCO), created to promote economic …
The Innovate Awards were established to inspire and encourage new research, creative works, and innovation. Each calendar year the UAA Office of Research awards $100,000 in awards (up to $10,000 per application) to faculty and students to help support their …
Courses and Degree Focuses: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management _ Entrepreneurship and Innovation _ The Startup Venture _ Negotiation and Conflict Management _ Marketing Media Analytics
World Trade Center Anchorage is a private non-profit membership organization providing international trade and business services to members and community partners across the state. The mission of WTC Anchorage is to assist Alaskans to successfully compete for trade and investment …
TREND, the Technology Research and Development Center of Alaska, assists small businesses in accessing and applying technologies and assists Alaska businesses competing for federal research and development dollars through proposal preparation and review. In 1994, the Alaska Small Business Development …
Free service and consulting to Alaska Native corporations, tribal enterprises, and other minority-owned firms. The Alaska Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) supports the success and financial growth of Alaska Native corporations, tribal enterprises, and other minority-owned firms by offering them …
The Alaska PTAC has a wealth of resources available to help your business navigate government contracting procedures. Alaska PTAC provides procurement training, counseling, and solicitation support throughout the state, and helps Alaskan businesses keep informed of government contracting opportunities through …
The University of Alaska Center for Economic Development (CED) is a university based partnership promoting economic diversity through entrepreneurship, community building, and action oriented strategy. CED is a program of the University of Alaska Anchorage Business Enterprise Institute and is …
Supporting business and entrepreneurial capacities across Alaska by linking economic development programs. The University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) Business Enterprise Institute (BEI) links economic development programs across the University of Alaska (UA) system and supports businesses and entrepreneurial capacities across …
UAA Office of Technology Commercialization: The University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) is the largest university in the University of Alaska system. To commercialize faculty and student research at UAA, the Office of Research created an agile business infrastructure. This infrastructure …