The goal of the NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps™) program, created in 2011 by NSF, has been and will continue to be to reduce the time and risk associated with translating promising ideas and technologies from the laboratory to the marketplace. …
A 3-day I-Corps Bio-Entrepreneurship Workshop, including BIO International Convention exhibition access. Work on teams with industry mentors to learn about biotechnology commercialization, grow your professional network, and explore entrepreneurial opportunities that build on basic research.
BBC Entrepreneurial Training and Consulting offer a variety of services for the aspiring entrepreneur, with many of these services tailored to SBIR/STTR and other grant applications. Their services include: – Research Grant Assistance – SBIR/STTR Training – Post-Award Grants / …
The Biosciences Entrepreneurial Lab is a wet lab incubator space at the University of Nevada, Reno. Its creation was inspired by the cost prohibitive nature of startups in the biosciences and to accelerate the growth and success of bioscience entrepreneurship …
Bioscience Laboratories provides a variety of laboratory testing services, including clinical testing, cosmetic testing, virology testing, in-vitro testing, materials testing, and biofilm testing.
Boston Biomedical Innovation Center (B-BIC) is a life sciences accelerator funded by the National Institutes of Health and our member institutions to increase the return on investment in research. We speed the translation of research technologies into products for doctors …
The Hawai‘i Small Business Development Center established in 1990, provides professional business advice, research and training to business owners and new entrepreneurs in order to promote growth, innovation, productivity and management improvement. To accomplish these objectives, we link federal, state …
Created in 1953, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) continues to help small business owners and entrepreneurs pursue the American dream. The SBA is the only cabinet-level federal agency fully dedicated to small business and provides counseling, capital, and contracting …
Created in 1953, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) continues to help small business owners and entrepreneurs pursue the American dream. The SBA is the only cabinet-level federal agency fully dedicated to small business and provides counseling, capital, and contracting …
Nevada SBDC guides and assists Nevadans looking to start and grow businesses, with objectives to increase business starts, create and retain jobs, and increase access to capital. One-on-one counseling services are free and confidential. Nevada SBDC also offers and coordinates …
Providing business guidance, services, and resources to Alaskan entrepreneurs, Alaska SBDC’s mission is to celebrate, grow, and connect small business in Alaska through experienced business coaching and innovative programs. The Alaska SBDC provides assistance to those: – Launching a business …
The Idaho Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a statewide, university-based organization which has been helping small businesses succeed since 1986. Everyday, experienced Idaho SBDC consultants meet with clients – just like you – to provide guidance in developing and …
The U.S. Small Business Administration helps Americans start, build and grow businesses. The SBA Montana District Office provides a variety of services to small- and medium-sized enterprises across the state of Montana, including: – Business Guides – Funding Programs – …
Since 1953, the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) has been strengthening higher education, workforce development, and behavioral health throughout the region. As an interstate compact, WICHE partners with states, territories, and postsecondary institutions to share knowledge, create resources, …
WWAMI is the UW School of Medicine’s one-of-a-kind, multi-state medical education program. The acronym, WWAMI, stands for the states served by the UW School of Medicine: Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho. UW medical students have access to a variety …
Montana INBRE is a collaborative network of Ph.D.-granting institutions, baccalaureate schools and tribal colleges that invests in Montana’s biomedical research capacity and workforce pipeline. Our aim is to improve the health and well being of all Montanans, and we’re achieving …
Established in September, 2017, the SBC is a phase I center of biomedical research excellence program (COBRE) funded by National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of National Institutes of Health (NIH). The primary mission of the SBC is to …
Wyoming INBRE funding is intended to enhance biomedical research capacity, expand and strengthen the research capabilities of biomedical faculty, and provide access to biomedical resources for promising undergraduate students throughout the eligible states. The Wyoming INBRE network is composed of …
The University of Idaho’s INBRE network website provides information on the various connected programs at UI.
The INBRE Program has the express purpose to increase Idaho’s competitiveness for federal biomedical research funding and to improve the quality of biomedical education in the state. It is a collaborative effort of research-intensive institutions to sponsor research and science-based …
These Omnibus Solicitations for SBIR/STTR programs were released July 17, 2020. See below their links: • PHS 2020-2 Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH, CDC and FDA for Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications (Parent SBIR [R43/R44] Clinical Trial Not Allowed) …
The NIH-wide COVID-19 Strategic Plan provides a framework for accelerating the development of therapeutic interventions, vaccines, and diagnostics. NIH will implement five cross-cutting strategies: 1. Invest in NIH and NIH-funded researchers to increase fundamental and foundational knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 and …
This webpage displays information relating to applying for and receiving grants to support COVID-19 research. For more information on the update history of COVID-19 funding opportunities, please visit this webpage:
This webpage provides a list of angel investors that are active in the state of Hawaii.
Hawaii Angels provides a forum for members to review investment presentations and share opinions about these opportunities. This forum also allows for networking with professionals of various backgrounds, and exploring new opportunities in Hawaii. The Hawaii Angels process is proven …
Providing a wide varieties of resources for startup companies in Montana, this webpage lists information on various venture capital and business development assistance groups that assist companies in Montana.
This webpage provides a list of angel investors active in the state of Montana.
WHO WE ARE Battle Born is an evergreen venture capital program, overseen by the Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) under the auspices of the US Treasury’s State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI). OUR MANDATE Battle Born’s mandate is …
Objective: To promote and support economic development in the region by investing in early-stage companies and emphasizing the Northern Nevada region and its local strengths. Domains of interest include: internet of things, advanced manufacturing, software, and consumer products. Local strengths …